Cyanobacteria : general characters, thallus organisation and species of cyanobacteria.


General characters:

  • Also called as Blue-green algae.
  • Found in water and other wet places.
  • These are oxygenic photosynthetic, prokaryotic and gram negative bacteria.
  • The outer layer of cell wall is made of lipo-polysaccharides and inner layer is having peptidoglycon.
  • Ribosomes, thylakoids and phycobilosomes are present in cytoplasm.
  • Ribosomes are 70s type, thylakoids contains phycobilosomes which has photosynthetic pigments like phycocyanin, phycoerythrin and small amount of protein.
  • Reserve food material is cyanophycin granules, starch, glycogen, phosphate granules.
  • Gas filled vacoules helps the bacteria to float on the surface of water.
  •  Vegetative reproduction is by fission, fragmentation and by locomotion harmagonia.
  • Asexual reproduction is byformation of akinites, endospores, exospores and nanocytes.

Thallus organisation in cyanobacteria:

Thallus organisation in the sense no differntiation of organism into different parts. It is in  three forms.

1. Unicellular form.
      Ex. Chrochroocus.
2. Colonial form.
      Ex. Merismopodia.
3. Filamentous form.

  •       It consist of trichomes.
  •    Trichome may be branched or unbranched. Ex. Nostoc.
  •    Truly branched trichome. Ex. Nostocopsis.
  •    False branched trichome. Ex. Cytonema.
  •    Heterotrichous. Ex. Pulvinaria.

Species of cyanobacteria.

1. Oscillitoria

  •  It is afresh water blue-green algae and filamentous covered by mucilage.
  •  The terminal cell of bacteria is dome shaped and covered by thick cap called as calyptra.
  •  It shows goidular phenomenon of chromatic adaptation.
  •  Reproduction is by fragmentation and harmagonia.

2. Nostoc

  •    Nostoc forms mucilage colonies in aquatic and terrestrial habitat and occurs abundantly in Rice fields.
  •  Some species grows as Epiphytes within the thallus, Anthoceroes(bryophytes), and corolloid roots of cycas.
  •  It is jelly like mass or ball like structure and brownish.
  •  The filament shows light yellowish thick walled cells called as Heterocyst.
  •  Reproduction is by harmogonia or akinites.

3. Anabena

  •    Anabena is a fresh water blue green algae. Few species of Anabena are Epiphytes living in roots of cycas ans leaves of Azolla.
  •  Covered by mucilage layer and contains Intercalary heterocyst.
  •  Reproduction is by fragmentation or Akinites.



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