Mycoplasma-short notes
General Characteristics : Mycoplasma is a form of bacteria which was stidied by Nocard and Roux in 1998. Nowork named ita s Mycoplasma like organism. These are also called as Pleuropneumonia like organisms. Mycoplasma lacks celk wall and so have no shape i.e. pleomorphic in nature. Hence they are called as ''Jokers in the microbiological pack''. They were first isolated from Bovine sheep suffering from pleuropneumonia. The human infertility and abortions are now known to be due to mycoplasma infections in the urinogenetical tract. Many plant diseases eg., Aster yellow, Potato witches broom and Dwarg disease of mulberry are due to mycoplasma. In 1966, International Committee of Nomenclature of Bacteria, recognised Mycoplasma, as different form of bacteria and placed them under a seperate class-Molicutes which consists of two genera-Mycoplasma and Acholeplasm. It has no cell wall, A three layered Plasma membrane is present as outer covering. These are unicellular, non...