
Showing posts from February 16, 2019

What is Anti-oxidants

Anti-oxidants: Antioxidants-definition Substances that can prevent oxidation, which means it prevents the damage to the cell. It causes damage by forming free radicals which leads to chain reaction to environmental and other pressures. What do Antioxidants do in our body: Antioxidants boost overall health of the body. It neutralises the free radicals and can reduce Oxidative stress. It prevents from many diseases. It prevents heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, respiratory diseases and other inflammatory or ischemic conditions. Sources of Antioxidants: Mostly we can find Antioxidants in plant based foods like fruits and vegetables.  In almost all food items which we eat contains Antioxidants. Dairy products. Eggs Meat Liver Nuts and seeds Fruits and vegetables Berries Bright colored vegetables and fruits Spinach Egg plant           And more such food items contains Antioxidants.