Translocation of Mineral ions


Different ions when reached to the xylem through active or passive transport, then further transport takes place through transpiration.

The mineral elements sink at the growing regions of the plant such as the apical and lateral meristems, young leaves, developing flowers, fruits, seeds, and the storage organ.

When the old parts gets dies or leaves fall off before dying the minerals get remobilised to the younger parts of the plant. Older leaves exports the minerals to the younger leaves. the elements which gets mobilised are Phosphorous, Sulphur, Nitrogen and Potassium. But the Calcium will not get mobilised.

Much of the elements are carried in the form as Amino acids and related compounds. Phosphorous and Sulphur carried as organic compounds and Nitrogen is carried out as Inorganic compound.

Hence, it is not that xylem transports only inorganic substances and phloem carries organic substances as it is traditionally believed. They both carries either organic or inorganic materials. The transport of different form of materials is random in the plants.


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