How Deforestation getting affected to many lives on earth


Deforestation is cutting down of forests or trees for many purposes like building offices, schools, restaurants, hotels and many more things.

we generally cut down trees for our needs. but cutting these trees really giving any benefit to mankind and its environment? How worse it is affecting on our environment?

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Every thing in our environment is dependent on each other directly or indirectly. Like wise many lives are dependent on trees.

Cutting trees are getting affected to not only humans and atmosphere but also it effects on Animals too.

Tree as a Habitat for Animals:

Birds, Monkeys, squirrels, snakes, ants, spiders, caterpillars, moths, bees, wasps, small plants(mosses), mosquitoes, are some of the organisms that you may find on a tree.

Tree is a place where different types of animals live. Some very small plants also grow on the barks of trees. Trees are habitats for most of the Animals.

Tree as a source of nutritious food:

We, human beings are directly or indirectly depended on trees. Most of the nutritious food we get from plants. we get leafy vegetables, brightly colored fruits, seeds, pulses, tomatoes, potatoes, berries and many source of protienacoius foods are plant based.

Trees are pollution controllers:

Pollution not only harms to human life but also it affects on animals life. It reduces co2 level in atmosphere and keeps our surroundings pollution free. It also causes a major problems for animals as they loss their habitat, and source of food.

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In short it is disturbing the whole bio diversity which are linked to one another. 

If no trees then no animals

Causes pollution

No nutritious food to human beings  

NOTE: So its our duty to preserve our bio diversity and to protect animals and plants, not only to                       save nature but also to save mankind.

Keep planting more trees and lets join our hands to protect our nature for future and for life existence on earth.


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