Main difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


  1. Prokaryotes includes bacteria, blue-green algae, mycoplasmas and PPLO.
  2. They are smaller and multiply more rapidly.
  3. They vary greatly in shape and size.
  4. All prokaryotes have a cell wall and cell membrane.
  5. No well defined nucleus.
  6. Matrix is filled with cytoplasm.
  7. In addition to genomic DNA, it has smaller DNA's called Plasmids which is resistant to antibiotics.
  8. No organelles are present except ribosomes.
  9. It has unique Inclusions. Inclusions is the reserve material stored in the cytoplasm.
  10. Differentiated form of cell membranes called mesosomes is the characteristic of prokaryotes.


  1.  Eukaryotes includes protists, plants, animals and fungi.
  2. Compare to prokaryotes, they multiply slowly.
  3. The cells are not identical.
  4. All eukaryotes do not have cell walls.
  5. Well defined nucleus with a nuclear envelope.
  6. Cytoplasm have many compartments due to presence of cell organelles.
  7. Genetic material is organised into chromosome.
  8. Many membrane bound cell organelles are present such as Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Vacoules, Mitochondria, Plastids, Ribosomes.
  9. It have complex locomotary and cytoskeletal structures like cilia,flagella.
  10. Ribosomes are present in both the cells i.e. in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


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