Isobilateral (monocot) Leaf


General features:

Isobilateral leaves are found in Monocot leaves.

Stomata is equally distributed on lower(abaxial) and upper(adaxial) surface of the leaf.

Cuticle covers both upper and lower surface of the leaf.

Leaf  is distinguished into three parts. Theyare
             -Vascular bundles

Epidermis has stomata and cuticle. 

In monocots Mesophyll is not defferentiated into polisade and spongy parenchyma unlike in Dicots.

 Vascular bundles are seen in the mid-ribs and veins of the leaf.

The size of the vascular bundle is depend on the size of the veins.

Parellel venation is present in monocot leaves.

In grasses,certain upper epidermal cells along the veins modify themselves into large empty colourless cells.these are called Bulliform cells.

When bulliform cells absorbs water it becomes turgid and the leaf surface gets exposed.

When they get flaccid due to water stress, the leaves get curl inwards to minimise water loss.

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