Auxins-Plant Growth Harmone
AUXINS: Darwin performed some experiments on canary grass. In his experiments, when the coleoptile of grass was unilaterally illuminated, it curved towards the source of light. The experiments done by him confirms some interations between the tip and light and light resulting in curvature of tip. Went removed the tip of avena coleoptile and placed it on agar-agar block for a measured length of time and it produces a positive curvature. He named this substance as Auxin. Isolation of Auxin Kosland Hargen-Smith isolated Auxin-A from human urine. Kogl, Erxlaben and Hargen- smith isolated Auxin-B from corn germ oil. It was chemically identified as Indole-3 Acetic Acid(IAA). Biosynthesis of Auxins Thimann 1935 observed the fungus Rhizopus Suinus can convert the amino acid Tryptophan into IAA. Transport: Auxins occurs in the meristems. It is transported polarly and movement is basipetal. Physiological effects: Induces cell elongation...